Some of the key skills required for an HR Assistant job in the UAE may include:Communication Skills: HR assistants must have excellent verbal and written communication skills, as they are often required to communicate with employees, management, and other stakeholders.
Organizational Skills: They must be highly organized and able to manage multiple tasks, prioritize work, and meet deadlines.
Attention to Detail: HR assistants need to be detail-oriented and have strong attention to detail when managing employee records, preparing reports, and ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations.
Technology Skills: HR assistants should be proficient in using technology, including HR software, Microsoft Office, and social media platforms.
Problem-Solving Skills: They should be able to solve problems creatively and proactively, and have the ability to analyze data and make informed decisions.
Customer Service: They must have excellent customer service skills and be able to handle employee inquiries, complaints, and requests professionally and courteously.
Teamwork: They should be able to work well as part of a team and collaborate with colleagues in different departments.
Knowledge of UAE Labor Laws: They must have a good understanding of the UAE Labor Laws and regulations to ensure compliance and avoid legal issues.
HR Assistant Training for UAE Jobs
🔸3/6 Months
🔸Placement Assistance
Topics covered
⭕Excellent verbal and written communication skills
⭕Letter & Mail drafting Skills
⭕Computer Skills (MS Office)
⭕Keyboard Skills (Arabic & English)
⭕Knowledge of UAE Labor Law
Fees: 16000 for 3 months 32000 for 6 months
Online and offline
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Manjeri | Alanallur | Perinthalmanna | Cherpulasseri
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